woensdag 27 juli 2011

Android Tutorial 1. How to make your own QR code's and use them

For the people that don't know what qr code's are, they are a special coding which phone's for example android phone's with a special software like a QR code reader can scan to read the text that the code contains for example this text can be put into 1 QR code and then you can scan it with your phone and display the full text in the same way as typed here. You can find how to make  them and how to read them in the tutorial below.
Part 1. How to make qr code's?
Go to google.com or yahoo.com and search for "qr code generator".
Then click on the first link or click here for the direct link http://qrcode.kaywa.com/
After that just fill in the text and click on generate. 

Part 2. How to use them on your phone? 
Install the app
Just point the app to your qr code image you just generated and it will automaticallyscan.

This is the same with other phone's just search on there apps store or on internet qr code reader followed with your phone's model for example "QR code reader nokia 5800" 

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